Walter Gordon Symposium 2015

This year’s Walter Gordon Symposium was a thought-provoking discussion on public policy.

I also got to ask what, despite all the training beforehand, was the most surprising thing about flying in the space shuttle.

Author: Milan

In the spring of 2005, I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in International Relations and a general focus in the area of environmental politics. In the fall of 2005, I began reading for an M.Phil in IR at Wadham College, Oxford. Outside school, I am very interested in photography, writing, and the outdoors. I am writing this blog to keep in touch with friends and family around the world, provide a more personal view of graduate student life in Oxford, and pass on some lessons I've learned here.

3 thoughts on “Walter Gordon Symposium 2015”

  1. It was all very brief. We had just finished dinner in the Massey dining hall, and I spoke with her for a few seconds as she was heading for her cab.

    I prefaced my question with a comment about the extensive training all astronauts go through. Nonetheless, she reiterated the point that you train for everything. She said that the shuttle itself wasn’t very interesting, and began to talk about “the ride” when someone interrupted.

    She did give an excellent talk at the keynote later.

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