Things are likely to stay busy for a while, with little priority accorded to blogging. This Flickr photostream widget should provide at least some novel content as I carry on with executing whatever version of the move/travel plan proves possible. It will stay at the top of the page while I am busy, so there may be new posts appearing underneath.
I will also be updating Twitter and BuryCoal.
[Update: 24 August 2011] If you want information on the ongoing Keystone XL protest in Washington D.C., the best source of information is
Photos from the event are also being uploaded to Flickr frequently.
[Update: 5 September 2011] I still have lots of moving-related work to do, but at least I will be in Canada. As such, I am removing the ‘sticky’ property of this post. It will no longer stay perpetually at the top of the front page.
If the images do not update, you may need to clear your web cache. Or it may just be that I have been too busy to put photos on Flickr.
I enjoy following your journey through your pictures(although I do miss your written entries). Are you able to identify the subject matter on the pictures as captions or their equivalent?
These are just preliminary, low-quality photos from my cell phone. I will upload the best photos from my dSLR once I have access to a real computer and a lot of time.
Whether you meant for it or not, the Flickr photos here keep updating.