In my mail this morning, I found a roll of Fuji Velvia 100, a voucher for processing, and an invoice for about eleven quid. It’s all from a place called, in Guernsey. From the slip, it’s unclear whether the invoice is a bill that demands payment or simply a receipt for payment made.
I am as sure as sure can be that I didn’t order any such thing. I have stopped shooting film entirely in the UK and, if I were to start, I would almost certainly use T-Max or HD400. It seems at least possible that someone sent this as a gift. If so, please let me know before I call them curiously and accuse them of sending unsolicited transparency film. Likewise, if so, thanks for sending me such an excellent variety of film.
Thanks for your help.
[Update: 4:04pm] The mystery is solved; see comments.
The order was apparently made on June 8th, if that helps anyone. Neither their website nor the invoice lists a contact phone number for the shop.
It has already been paid for.
IP: ,
A very kind gift indeed. I look forward to seeing what you come up with (assuming you will scan and link the photos).