Minko: the cat portrayed above, is a member of the Ellan family. For many years, he has also been dubbed ‘My General’ for reasons long forgotten. Of all the non-human creatures I am hoping to see in Vancouver, Minko tops the list.
I finished Joyce’s Dubliners while waiting for my plane today. It was enormously more comprehensible than other pieces of his I have read, but not particularly engaging. While it was interesting to see so many street and place names from my recent experience, these short stories weren’t quite to my taste. All told, I am enjoying my Wilde anthology more.
Returning home, I found more than forty emails in need of responses, a collection of letters from the student loan people, my official (free) Ubuntu Linux CDs, replacement scans for the Scotland photos, and other things besides. As always, returning from even a short break means rapidly lengthening to-do lists. For a trip as excellent as this one, it is naturally well worth it.
“replacement scans for the Scotland photos”
Are they much better?
They seem to be. Hopefully, they will go up tomorrow, after my National Insurance Number interview.
Catch up next week or after Canada?
Just name a time. Pretty much any evening would work for me.