While it won’t do anything in relation to unsolicited mail that is properly addressed to you (like credit card applications), following the advice from this website will lead to your mail carrier no longer leaving unaddressed advertising for you. The page includes a sign for your mailbox and a letter for your mail carrier. There is also a link to the the Canadian Marketing Association’s Do Not Contact Registry, which also aims to prevent unwanted telephone solicitation.
The total effect of doing these things won’t be huge, but it is a small step towards less waste and annoyance.
[Update: 30 Mar 2008] Another resource for spam-troubled Canadians: iOptOut.
My roomates and I are all over that. We had to wait for our one roomate to leave for Africa, since he is a junk-mail addict. But the letter has been sent, the sign posted and so far so good. Poor Geoff though – he is going to come back and not know what to do with himself on a Saturday morning…..shame.
Very useful, thanks!
Something comparable for Americans
In my experience, the dots don’t work at all.
Mail carriers simply ignore them and continue to deliver unsolicited mail as before.