Montreal climate march

This happened yesterday: 50,000 people march in Montreal to demand more climate action

I hadn’t heard about it in advance and I don’t know the people behind it or what will result of it. Still, the level of media attention and my experience of the March for Jobs, Justice, and the Climate in Toronto make this case seem compatible with the view that people now take climate marches for granted and they don’t usefully put pressure on government to decarbonize.

Author: Milan

In the spring of 2005, I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in International Relations and a general focus in the area of environmental politics. In the fall of 2005, I began reading for an M.Phil in IR at Wadham College, Oxford. Outside school, I am very interested in photography, writing, and the outdoors. I am writing this blog to keep in touch with friends and family around the world, provide a more personal view of graduate student life in Oxford, and pass on some lessons I've learned here.

31 thoughts on “Montreal climate march”

  1. Yeah…so…how arrogant, and entitled are you? You think you’re some climate saviour, but all you do is block those posing perfectly valid questions? You’re nothing more than a leach…and a sheep. People like you should be ashamed of yourselves. Using the ignorant for your gain.

    It’s now my primary purpose to ensure you never get a dime from the Canadian public, ever again.

  2. Vague anonymous threats show that you’re clearly a very influential, well-informed, and capable individual. Surely the world needs your talents to be applied to something more fruitful than maintaining this pleasant conversation.

  3. Your last comment is rather rich for a guy who blocks everyone who doesn’t agree with him, and has a section of his website dedicated to “arguing with climate change deniers”.

    Nobody denies climate change exists, however plenty are willing to question man’s influence, and the ultimate severity of climate change on our existence. The closed-minded among us are those not willing to have an open and frank discussion. THOSE people are “deniers”, in the most literal sense. People like you, apparently.

    I asked you a very simple question on Twitter…what would happen if Canada, and our 1.6% of global GHGs, ceased to exist tomorrow? Your response? You blocked me.

    YOU are worse than those fictional deniers you so obviously loath. YOU won’t even engage in conversation…you simply write opposing viewpoints off as not worthy of “wasting your time”. Well…I hope the person who wrote the 1st comment is successful. YOU shouldn’t be taking a penny of public funds, if that is your attitude.

  4. Listen to my nonsense? I asked you a question. A perfectly valid one, which obviously you are utterly afraid of answering. I wonder why? Don’t want your bubble to burst?

    And..NO, I refuse to talk on your “nonsense” forum. Let’s do it right here, on the front page, and first post of your little self aggrandizing blog…shall we?

  5. Yup. Looks like Mr. Arrogant Prick doesn’t want to face reality…afraid to answer questions. Writes it all off as wasting his time.

    What an ass.

  6. If you want to spend your time improving your knowledge rather than feeling sorry for yourself, I recommend David MacKay’s excellent book on how we can make society more efficient and what climate-safe forms of energy we have available.

    I also have a one page climate change guide, with a link to a remarkable joint statement by the national science academies of the G8, Brazil, China, South Africa, and India.

    When you’re done with those, there’s plenty more.

  7. It’s you I feel sorry for…afraid to answer a VERY simple question. Luckily for you, you have no visitors to this waste of your time, so your avoidance of my question shouldn’t embarrass you too much.

    Feel free to answer the question…and I’ll go away…here, I’ll repeat it for you:
    What would happen if Canada, and our 1.6% of global GHGs, ceased to exist tomorrow? Would the world notice?

  8. That doesn’t answer my question. It doesn’t even address it.

    Keep trying.

  9. Here’s what you REFUSE to acknowledge…if Canada ceased to exist tomorrow, by late summer 2019, global emissions would be back to exactly where they are today.

    Crippling our economy solves NOTHING.

    In fact, if it is TRULY about reducing global emissions, the solution is to INCREASE ours. But, you will never grasp that concept. You will never grasp that developing an LNG export sector, while increasing our emissions, will exponentially decrease Asia’s. THAT leads to an actual and significant global reduction. The supposed end goal. But, it is becoming very apparent that this isn’t actually about emission reductions. The shutting down of any and all discussions makes that VERY apparent.

  10. Well said. The dumb prick is too stupid to get that concept. He’s likely an anti-capitalist, or simply a commie, anyway.

  11. Mocking my debating style? Seriously? You aren’t that obtuse, are you? YOU block people you simply don’t agree with, and accuse them of “wasting your time” !!!


  12. You could have gotten it in more entertaining fashion from watching the video, but my point is about the nature of argument. One character rightly says: “An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition.”

    If somebody isn’t doing that, it’s pointless to try to engage with them on the basis of logic or evidence. They’re just pushing warm air toward you, not engaging in any sort of meaningful communication or intellectual effort.

  13. Yup…keep ignoring reality. Like I said earlier, I hope the first guy is successful.

  14. Is is pretty staggering how much money I am getting from the Canadian public.

    I bought a speedboat to drive around inside my outdoor hot tub, and the speedboat has its own hot tub in the back.

  15. The best part about being blocked by this moron?

    All the talk about him that he knows nothing about…it’s amazing how easy it was to find others he’s blocked without so much as a second of discussion.

  16. You are not entitled to have people listen to you.

    Some pretty good reasons for them not to do so include: (1) you’re making claims which are well known and demonstrated to be false (2) your logical arguments are invalid or non-existent and (3) your communication style is unpleasant to witness.

    Your right to free speech is the same as your right to shout gibberish at passing cars on the highway. You’re free to shout, but nobody needs to stop or roll down their window.

  17. Yeah – common traits of climate change deniers is that they’re entitled self-important assholes.

    It’s not worth wasting your time on them anywhere. Focus on people who have some actual influence or on people who are capable of civil and meaningful discussion.

  18. How does one have “civil and meaningful discussion” with those who call anyone who disagrees with them a “denier”, claim ” the science is settled” (science is rarely “settled” , and if this is, why are we still funding studies…or paying for Milan, here?), and shout down or block ANY dissenting opinion, or suggestion, no matter how innocuous, Mr./Mrs./Zir “Anon”?

    The fact is, those who “believe”, and are fully vested members of the climate cult, are THE WORST at shutting down any possibility of ” civil and meaningful discussion”…whether you care to admit it or not (and you won’t…).

  19. “Your right to free speech is the same as your right to shout gibberish at passing cars on the highway. You’re free to shout, but nobody needs to stop or roll down their window.”

    Funny…yet you EXPECT to not only be heard, but to be given a pulpit (the Canadian media) from which to preach your lies, and then force the Canadian public to pay their tithe (Carbon Tax)!

    That takes some serious arrogance to not see that.

  20. I think everybody would be pleased if you stepped away from my “pulpit” and went back to doing whatever you were doing with your life before you got so hot and bothered about my Twitter account.

    If you keep coming back I won’t ban you, but I might start adding discussions of which Pokemon you think are sexiest to your posts.

  21. …your bubble is very opaque, I see. Apparently populated by childish, arrogant, elitists, too…not to anyone’s surprise.

  22. Demand for action on climate change shatters Scheer’s hopes in Quebec

    MONTREAL—Tens of thousands of Quebecers took to the streets this weekend to call for more decisive action on climate change. In Montreal alone, 50,000 took part in the demonstration.

    In the short space of a week, more than 150,000 signed a pledge that commits them to reduce their carbon footprints but also demands more proactive leadership on the issue from governments.

  23. Tens of thousands call for action on climate change in downtown rally

    It was a call to action for the fight against climate change.

    Thousands took to the streets of Montreal on Saturday as part of a citizen movement called The Planet Goes to Parliament, calling on politicians and the new CAQ government to make the environment a priority.

    The local movement comes in response to an appeal from the UN secretary general, who says the world has reached a pivotal moment in global warming, and risks runaway climate change if leaders don’t act in the next two weeks.

  24. It’s pretty funny what winds this Ryan guy up.

    How does one have “civil and meaningful discussion” with those who call anyone who disagrees with them a “denier”, claim ” the science is settled” (science is rarely “settled” , and if this is, why are we still funding studies…

    For shit sake man, you can’t go in one second from “don’t call me a denier” to then immediately: “science is rarely “settled””. It’s like saying: “I’m not a duck” to “I’m a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae”.

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